Mediterranean Perspectives


logo prospettive mediterraneeOur Association, established in 2000, aims to build and promote activities and research about cultural, political and religious experiences, with regard to the forms of coexistence of the Mediterranean peoples. We aim to develop proposals to identify and revalue the countless identities that characterize the Mediterranean area.

The two modern Western identity models - the statecentric centripetal one and the global-transboundary centrifugal one - rather abstract and distant from the reality of human experience, have replaced the traditional forms of social organization. Therefore, we seek to preserve and protect the richness of the many-sided and deep-rooted Mediterranean identities that threatens to fall into oblivion, as a result of the universalization of stereotypes. Through the reciprocal knowledge of the different Mediterranean cultures, we aim to preserve the historical heritage, including music, art, food and natural environment, as well as customs, lifestyles and local traditions.


The activity of Mediterranean Prospects is divided into five departments:

Food and Wellness

Art and Culture

Identity Protection in the Mediterranean basin

Law and Society

Economy and Development



ChairmanEnrico Molinaro Ph. D.


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